The pneumatic pulsation therapy according to Deny (PPT) combines the classic methods of cupping, lymphatic drainage and massage or reflexology. The PPT is based on the principle of a suction massage, it comes to the suction of the skin, the subcutaneous fatty tissue and the muscles. The device generates rhythmic impulses under a suction bell that vibrate vertically to the skin surface. It alternately generates negative pressure and atmospheric pressure. The frequency is usually about 3 Hz (200 vibrations per minute).
Areas of application of Pneumatic Pulsation Therapy:
Metabolic activation
Acceleration of blood circulation
Improved supply of the tissue with vital substances
Improvement of lymphatic drainage and venous drainage
Stimulation of detoxification processes
Release of tension of the musculature
Relaxation of the tissue structure
Normalization of neurovegetative reflex pathways
mental relaxation
pain relief
Text submitted by: Andreas Wies