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Carboxytherapy is a naturopathic stimulant therapy in which medical carbon dioxide is used therapeutically. The origins of carboxytherapy date back to the beginning of the 20th century in spas. Since the 1950s she has been used to improve wound healing and local pain therapy. Since the 1990s, carboxytherapy has increasingly been used in the field of medical aesthetics.
Medical carbon dioxide is injected locally under the skin with a tiny needle. This leads to a vasodilation with redness of the skin. The tissue is enriched by regulatory oxygen and nutrients. The metabolism of the body cells is stimulated, slag and body toxins are broken down faster.

Areas of application of carboxytherapy:

    Tension headaches, including migraine, dizziness and tinnitus
    Musculoskeletal pain (spinal syndromes, joint, vision, muscle aches)
    Skin diseases (limited eczema, contact eczema, leg ulcers)
    Striae (stretch marks of the skin) and scars
    Wrinkles treatment, dark eye edges
    Treatment of local fat deposits

Text submitted by: Andreas Wies