Matrix rhythm therapy is based on the rhythmic vibration behavior of skeletal muscle. Our organism relies on this to ensure the disposal of the metabolic end products of the connective tissue. In the immediate vicinity of the body's cells, the vibration provides a suction effect that helps to nourish and transport nutrients (macro- and micronutrients / nutrients), antibodies and waste materials. Overall, this restores logistics to the level of cell biological regulation. This is the prerequisite that, among other things, oxygen and micronutrients can become cellular.
If the muscle processes are no longer functioning properly, there are slowdowns and congestion. Due to the cellular energy deficit (especially lack of oxygen) initially painful tension, which also causes changes in muscle, bone, vascular or nerve tissue. The metabolism gets acidic and so the proper work of the cells is no longer possible.
In matrix rhythm therapy, the therapist acts on the outside of the body cells and their environment, the matrix, with the help of the "matrix mobile" - a specially developed therapy device. This u. a. produces asymmetric tissue pressures that simulate the pump suction effect while physiologically stimulating nerve receptors. The natural vibration of the body and the cells is stimulated or restored. In a very short time, the metabolic processes of the affected body region normalize.
Areas of application of matrix rhythm therapy:
Limited mobility
Acute chronic pain conditions
Acceleration of regeneration in diseases of the chronic-degenerative type
Acceleration of nerve regeneration
Psychosomatic disorders
Restoration of elasticity
Restoration of the fine vascular system
Prevention and prophylaxis
Text submitted by: Andreas Wies